A huge Thank You to our Sponsors & Supporters:

A High Tide

Lifts All Boats

Flagship Level

Conference Sponsorship - $15,000

  • Exclusive speaking opportunity at STLDW 2024 and a future STL.org event

  • Verbal recognition as Presenting Sponsor at all STLDW 2024 events

  • Premium profile with link and image gallery on STL.org and STLDW 2024 website

  • Permanent logo placement on STLDW 2024 homepage

  • Top-tier logo placement on all signage, print, web, and multimedia collateral

  • Priority recognition in emails and social media campaigns

  • VIP access to all STLDW 2024 events

  • Custom options available

Oceanliner Level

Conference Sponsorship - $7,500

  • Verbal recognition at all STLDW 2024 events

  • Enhanced profile with link and image gallery on STLDW 2024 website

  • Prominent logo placement on STLDW 2024 homepage

  • Second-tier logo placement on all signage, print, web, and multimedia collateral

  • Highlighted recognition in emails and social media

  • Priority seating at select STLDW 2024 events

  • Custom options available

Yacht Level

Conference Sponsorship - $3,500

  • Company profile with link and image gallery on STLDW 2024 website

  • Logo placement on STLDW 2024 homepage

  • Third-tier logo placement on signage, print, web, and multimedia collateral

  • Recognition in emails and social media

  • Discounted tickets to select STLDW 2024 events

  • Complimentary tickets to select STLDW 2024 events

Clipper Level

Conference Sponsorship - $1,500

  • Company profile with link on STLDW 2024 website

  • Logo placement on STLDW 2024 homepage

  • Company feature on STLDW blog and in select emails

  • Social media recognition

  • Discounted tickets to select STLDW 2024 events

Dockmaster Level

Agency Sponsorship - $500

  • Logo placement on STLDW 2024 homepage

  • Ongoing support of the St. Louis Creative and Design Community

Join the Fleet!

We also gladly accept checks payable to STL.org and sent to:

3029 Locust St.
St. Louis, MO 63103

Please reach out to us at info@stl.org with any questions!

We’ll see you on the high seas!