Jacob Janes
Meet Jacob Janes: co-founder of Janes and Pang Atelier with his fiancée to teach visual awareness, aiming for personal and community success through empowering others while keeping up his own art practice. He shares how a profound encounter with Titian's "Ecce Homo" at the St. Louis Art Museum along with street art and relationships with his art professors inspired his pursuit of painting.
From Six Flags caricature artist to creating paintings sought after by Prince, Cbabi Bayoc has had a wide-ranging career in art on his own terms. He rejects the “starving artist” trope by smashing it to pieces: working on projects he loves and building a notable career in the process.
The Alchemy of Color
She likens painting to a battle; a litany of emotions, the constant push and pull of relationships reflecting our own daily lives.