
From Six Flags caricature artist to creating paintings sought after by Prince, Cbabi Bayoc has had a wide-ranging career in art on his own terms. He rejects the “starving artist” trope by smashing it to pieces: working on projects he loves and building a notable career in the process. His art frequently addresses serious subjects, but in broad strokes, transmuting real issues into art loved and understood by adults and children alike. His work, like his audience, has range: from children’s books to album covers to school murals, he paints a world that’s distinctive and instantly recognizable, especially around St. Louis, where he lives and works. Constantly chasing the high of the creative process, Cbabi is flow; continually at work on an array of projects in and out of his studio that educate and inspire others.

My art is activism filled with light, life, heart, bold color, patterns, and phunQ! My goal is to paint the world I want to see my children and yours thrive in. This goal keeps me committed to evolving my art, and engaging my community.
— Artist Statement, Cbabi Bayoc

Commissions, Residencies, Inquiries, and Speaking Engagements | Please contact: amber l. howlett, ph.d. of dharma management,


Featuring  |  Cbabi Bayoc

Film & Video Production | Once Films

Words | Shannon Weber

Learn More |

Connect | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Purchase | Originals | Prints


Driven by a mission to discover and share our favorite parts of the community, is a nonprofit effort to advocate, support, and promote creativity in the St. Louis region. Help us by subscribing to our newsletter and YouTube channels, sharing with your friends, and sending us your favorite stories and characters that are enriching our city.

Content and video production is supported by creators and private donors within the St. Louis region. Support local!


Daily Disco


Seashine: Cabin Sessions